
Monday, November 1, 2010

One Time Ago

In the Dog House

 Jody, Me - and Same me
       JODY          TOM              TODD

When I was about 3 years old, me and my twin brother Todd and my not much older brother Jody were in the backyard playing and one of us got his bright idea to go inside the make shift dog house our father built to keep the young puppies safe at nighttime.
This is our new Space ship! 
 Let’s all get inside and blast off! 

It took us a few minutes to squeeze inside as there was just enough room for about another pinky finger. There we were, pressed against each other and the side walls of the sardine can like structure. I was first in so that put me at the back with my Twin brother in the middle and Jody at the door.  

Shut the hatch, set the course. 
what are you doing Jody?
The door won’t stay shut! 
 Slam it harder
 Come on Jody hurry up!

---- SLAM!....There!

Okay, ready for take off!  4..3..2..1..


We’re off!
Yea!………………we fwying! 

Is anyone else getting hot in here?
 Ya it’s hot, I thirsty….. 
Okay let’s get out now.
Jody open the door! 
 I can’t it’s locked!  
 There’s a silence….. for about 2.6 seconds…
 then I let out a loud panicked cry
Then Todd starts crying Mommy and then all of us in unison cry out M-O-M-M-Y!  After that it was a mixture of yells and screams if I remember correctly?
Meanwhile back inside the nice & cool house, mommy is finishing up the dishes and can swear she hears something outside but doesn’t quite register that her 3 boys are outside pleading, No make that frightfully screaming for help. A few hours later, okay it was only about ten minutes later but it seemed like forever in oven timer minutes that mommy soon realized that she hadn’t seen the boys in the backyard for a while and went to go check. She could hear the boys all screaming as soon as she opened the door to the backyard.

Boys? Where are you? 
 We’re in the Dog house! 
The door is locked! 
 It’s all Jody’s fault! 
Ya you’re the one who just had to slam it shut you dummy!  Mommy!
He called me a dummy! 
You wanted it shut!
Boys stop it.  “Click” - come on out, what the heck were you 3 doing in there? 
 WHEW! ...We Pwaying Spaceship? Mommy? I told her.

 All 3 of us boys slithered out of that 2 foot by 3 foot steamer box one by one like slimy slugs all gooey with sweat. Our mother said she never saw more sweatier kids in all her life. And she could have very well saved our lives that day.  Thanks mom.

Mom and Dad with us three boys

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